Monday, June 24, 2013

Gluten-Free Ratio Rally Does Shortbread Cookies!

Logo designed by Anile Prakash
I've been really, *really* MIA on the Gluten-Free Ratio Rally lately. And with so many things going on, I've also missed posting the challenges each month even when I'm not participating. I'm sorry.

So, I'm catching up now. (I'll continue to post updates on occasion until I'm all caught up - and hopefully participating again at some point!) This is the challenge from APRIL - and it's delicious. Who doesn't love shortbread cookies?

The host of the shortbread cookie challenge was Meaghan over at the Wicked Good Vegan. Check out her host post of gin and tonic cookies - as well as the other yummy recipes the other participants baked up for you!

If you aren't familiar with the Gluten-Free Ratio Rally, I have a rally page here where I link to all the challenges I participated in, as well as host posts to those I didn't.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Product Highlight - Gratify Pretzels (and free of many allergens!)

It's been a while since I've done product highlight here, but I thought these Gratify pretzel thins were worth it!

I picked these up at Walmart the other day because I'd never seen them before. They are free of gluten, milk, casein and eggs AND are non-GMO. I thought I better give them a try. I'm glad I did - they are pretty darn good. I won't tell you they are healthy, though ... the ingredients are mostly starchy. But if you're looking for an occasional snack of this type and free of several allergens, this certainly fits the tasty bill and I think it's okay to indulge on occasion. :)

This was the only flavor I saw there, but it looks like they also come in sesame, sour cream and onion and some other flavors.

Have you seen these yet? Have you tried them? Do you like them? I noticed they are a new arrival on amazon as well, so maybe we'll be seeing more of them in the stores at some point.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Food Allergy Coaching

Are you familiar with Kim over at Cook It Allergy Free? She has an awesome blog, website and social media presence full of resources to help those with all sorts of food allergies. She even has an app! (It's neat, I've had it since she launched it.) And now Kim is offering food allergy coaching services and more to those who are in need of help navigating the overwhelming world of food allergies. Whether you personally have been diagnosed with them recently or in the past, or someone you care about has, Kim has a service that can help. I'm pleased to announce that Mama Me Gluten Free is supporting Kim's services and has joined up to refer them. (Full disclosure: This means I get commission on sales.)

If you are interested in more information, you can read the information below and click on the links, or the image above. There is a 20% off discount for the moment!

If you are living with food allergies or special diets, you know exactly what a journey it can be to navigate all of the ins and outs of knowing what is safe to eat, how to cook for the whole family so that everyone can enjoy a meal together, how to handle different social situations, and how to handle the stress of it all.
Living each day like this is definitely a journey. It's not a final destination. There are some great days and some not so great days.

It can be a struggle at times to deal with the challenges. There are times when you just feel plain overwhelmed.
Kim Maes, CNC, AADP, the Allergy Free Food Coach, has created a step-by-step system to confidence and control in managing your food allergies and special diets.
Her program is not just about giving you information. It is about working with you one-on-one and addressing all of your personal concerns and issues
Right now, Kim is offering 20 % OFF ANY Coaching Package... Just enter Code COACHING20 and get ready to Get Confident, Get In Control, And Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Now about your Food Allergies and Special Diets!
Just Pick the Package that is Right for YOU!!
You will always have some level of worry when it comes to food allergies, but Kim's program gives you the way to put that worry into action and leave you feeling confident and in control.
Every action step in her program will get you one step closer to accomplishing what you did not think was possible.....LIVING AMAZINGLY WITH YOUR FOOD ALLERGIES AND SPECIAL DIETS!
Make the choice now to enter a life-changing experience that you will be able to apply and live by everyday.
Don't Miss out on this Special Offer Right now!