Friday, January 14, 2011

Mama Me's Pancakes

We love pancakes in this house, and they are usually made at least once a week. Before we went GF, I made the pancake recipe out of the Joy of Cooking, with some alterations. It's the recipe my mom and dad used every Saturday morning while I was growing up -- usually with plenty of batter left to refrigerate and have for supper on Sunday night -- and I loved them, so why change it?

After we went GF, I had quite a time figuring out how to replicate something as simple as pancakes with the recipe I loved. No matter what flour blend I tried, it just didn't quite make the cut. It was either too grainy, too slimy, too puffy, too dry, too whatever, you name it. I tried lots of different blends and flours by themselves but they just didn't taste the same. I hadn't ever cared too much for pancakes from a mix before, unless I added more stuff to them than called for, but that's what finally happened here. I can tell you, too, that the whole family loves them and so does everyone else who has tried them.

First, let me introduce you to three products in this recipe:

Let's zoom out of that shot so you can see the different flours that I bake with at any given time:

Of course, they don't sit on the bar all the time. Most of them are stored in the refrigerator, with a few in the freezer and a small handful in the pantry. I just took them out so you could see all the fun. There were still a couple of homemade flour blends in the fridge, and a few bags of flour types in the freezer that I use less often.

This is basically the recipe on the back of Pamela's Baking & Pancake mix, but it has a few changes as you can see if you compare them.

Projected prep time: 5 minutes; Projected cook time: As long as it takes, not too long
1 level c. Pamela's Baking & Pancake mix
1 tbsp. canola oil or grapeseed oil
2 large eggs
3/4 c. milk (or more depending on what all you add to it and how thick it seems to you, it may need thinning just a little)
2 tsp. Salba seed (optional, but try it!)
2 heaping tsp. milled flax seed (optional, but why wouldn't you?)
Syrup or whatever topping you want
(Note that I change this up all the time. Sometimes I make it with mashed bananas and chocolate chips. Sometimes I make it thinner, adding more milk and omitting the Salba seed, and top them with Nutella and sliced bananas, and fold them over. Another favorite is topping with strawberries and whipped cream. Do what you want!)

Mix your ingredients together and pour pancakes onto a preheated griddle or pan. You know the drill.

When I do blueberries or chocolate chips, I put them in a little bowl next to the griddle and drop a few on top of the batter after it's poured. They don't clump in the batter that way.

Top with some butter and your favorite toppings. These are topped with maple syrup (organic, Grade B -- more nutritious!).

I use up all my batter at one time. If there are pancakes left over (there usually are because I double, sometime triple the recipe) then I refrigerate them and reheat within a few days (they're usually gone the next day). Have a great weekend, everyone, and enjoy some pancakes!


  1. Bless your heart! Now I feel guilty that I don't have to bake gluten-free.

    Beautiful pancakes, though! And very healthy. :)

  2. It's not bad once you get used to it! That's one reason why I like to use Pamela's so often once I've figured out a way to adapt it -- it's an easy one for people who are just going GF and are feeling overwhelmed about mixing different flours together. Once you get used to it, though, you realize that no one flour blend will ever give you perfect results with every recipe, and if you want that you will have to venture into other types of flour and blend them together. Trial and error, and lots of tries and patience, but it's soooo worth it! :)


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