Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pomegranate Cranberry Nutella No-Bake Cookies

Today is World Nutella Day. I didn't know that when I made these a few days ago, but I found out a few hours after I'd finished. Naturally, I decided to save the post in honor of this fabulous day. Don't forget about my Bananatella Cream Bites when you're whipping up your gluten-free nutella recipes today!

I'd actually been making these as something for a Valentine's Day option, because what can be better than chocolate, nutella and sweet red pomegranate-infused cranberries melted together to celebrate with your honey?

I adapted this recipe from the "Chocolate Unbaked Oatmeal Cookies" from the Miss Rodeo America Cookbook printed in 1995 that my mother-in-law gave me a long time ago. (She was a Miss Rodeo America.)

Projected prep time: 15 minutes; Projected cook time: 5 minutes
2 c. sugar
1/4 c. unsalted butter
1/2 c. milk (plus more)
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/3 c. certified gluten-free oats
1 c. pomegranate Craisins
1/2 c. nutella
4 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Please note that not everyone with celiac can ingest gluten-free oats as I explain in this link.

Place your oats in a bowl and drizzle a little milk over them and let them sit for about 5 minutes. You don't want to get them wet, you just want them damp enough to soften them. Original no-bake cookies call for quick oatmeal, so that's why you're doing this.

Combine sugar, butter, salt and 1/2 c. milk into saucepan and heat over low-medium heat until sugar dissolved, then cook for about a minute longer, then add vanilla.

Add your oats, and heat for another minute or two.

Add cocoa and nutella ...

then the Craisins. Turn off heat.

Mix thoroughly, then let sit in pan for two or three minutes.

Drop by spoonfuls onto baking sheets lined with wax paper.

After they have completely cooled, store them at room temperature in an airtight container for a few days. If you store them longer, put them in the refrigerator.

Enjoy, and Happy World Nutella Day!


  1. Yum! Very beautiful and inventive!

  2. I just found you through the Newbie party and so glad I did. Great recipes!!!

  3. These sound incredible! Wanted to invite you to share them a one of my Seasonal Sundays Events! (as they fit the theme perfectly!)

    Happy Tuesday!


  4. Thanks, Brittany, I'll check it out! :)

  5. Looking for the nutritional content for my weight loss clients...would love it.
    Fat carbs calories etc. Thank you so much!

    1. I'm sorry, I don't have that information! I wish I was more experienced at providing that information.


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