Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rich Roll Cookies

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, everyone!

How do you celebrate this special day? Growing up, it was a given that we would wear green. If we didn't, my mother would be sure to pinch us. She also made green milk (gross!) and green food.

I don't fix green milk, but I do make green pancakes for breakfast. I also like to make green clover cookies. I'm excited to share the recipe with you - because wouldn't you know that I got my luck with this recipe for St. Patrick's Day. It's almost the same recipe (adapted again) as the Classic Christmas cookies, which I am going back to edit this version into it. They are adapted from the Rich Roll Cookies recipe in the Joy of Cooking, 1975 edition, and as I state in the Christmas cookies post, they are excellent for any occasion. This particular ver are exactly how I remember them being before going gluten-free. I top them with a milk glaze recipe, also adapted from Joy of Cooking.

I also like to make "spotted dog" Irish soda bread, which I shared with you yesterday. And, more importantly, I like to read a little of the history behind this day with my children. There are several books out there, but I like the one you see pictured above, Patrick Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie dePaola.

I don't know a whole lot about my Irish ancestors, but the older I get the more I want to explore the history behind all of my family and the countries and cultures that have influenced who I am today. That includes visiting those countries one day, as well. Until then, we'll have to read what we can and have fun in the kitchen.

And today as we celebrate, let's also remember Japan in our prayers.

Projected prep time: 25 minutes, plus chilling 3 hours; Projected bake time: 6-10 minutes
About 30 cookies (double recipe for more)
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/3 cup organic sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. pure almond extract
1 1/4 cup Pamela's bread mix and flour blend (not the baking mix)
1/8 tsp. salt (optional)

Cream together butter and sugar, then beat in egg and pure almond extract.

Sift together flour blend and salt, then mix into butter mixture until all is incorporated and a smooth dough is formed. Shape into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about three hours.

Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Take a small amount of dough at a time and roll onto the sheet, then cut into desired shape and remove excess dough. This is how I eventually found success. Trying to transfer this dough is too difficult if you want to keep the exact shape.

Bake (top rack if gas oven) at 350 degrees for 6-10 minutes depending on type of sheet you use. The edges should be getting brown, and the bottom should be brown. These cookies will burn very quickly once they are done, so watch them.

Let stand on sheet for a few minutes before transferring to wire rack to cool.

When completely cooled, top with frosting of choice or milk glaze (my preference).

Milk glaze
Total time: 5 minutes
(This will cover about two dozen cookies, so you'll need to make more if you have a lot of cookies)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp. milk (warm will dissolve sugar faster)
1/4 tsp. pure vanilla
1/2 tsp. pure almond extract
Coloring if desired

Blend ingredients together and spread glaze over cookies or cake pieces

Transfer to wax or parchment paper lined sheets until glaze is set.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


  1. These are precious. Love Tommie DePaola. And is that a Pampered Chef roller I spy?

    Also: I am laughing so hard because of the title: Rich Roll Cookies. It reminds me of being "Rick-Rolled." Have you ever heard of that? It's when the popular 1990s singer Rick Atsley randomly makes a surprise appearance somewhere, like the Macy's day parade. You'll have to Google it. It's hilarious.

  2. Ginny, I'll have to check it out!

    And yes, it's the Pampered Chef roller. I love that thing!


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