Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Charoset (and Gluten-Free Matzoh Crackers)

Charoset on matzoh cracker
Growing up, I always celebrated two holidays around Christmas and Easter - Hanukkah and Passover (Pesach). Our family isn't Jewish, but we celebrated those holidays with family and Jewish friends because not only was it special to some of our friends, those holidays are after all a part of the roots of the Christian religion so they are special to us.

Now that I have children of my own, I want them to have knowledge of the history behind these holidays and understand what they are about and why they are so important, so we also celebrate them.

I realize it's a little late, since celebration of Passover began last night for those in the Jewish faith, but I'll be sharing a few Passover recipes as well as Easter recipes over the next week or so (so there will most likely be late Easter recipes, as well). 

This charoset recipe is the one that my grandmother used and we all love it, especially served over matzoh crackers. I know some people don't care for matzoh crackers, but I always loved them. The gluten-free ones I make are delicious - I think even better than the gluten version! Both the charoset and matzoh cracker recipes are vegan, dairy-free, egg-free and soy-free as well.

For the matzoh crackers, I use this recipe from Living Without. I make it with coconut oil, but it's also very good made with butter for a flakier, buttery cracker for any time of the year. It's an excellent cracker that I always wish I made more of. It's kind of addicting, actually! (If you like matzoh ball soup, check out this recipe.)

I think this charoset is good as soon as it's made, but I think it's even better after it has been sitting in the refrigerator for a while.

Projected start to finish time: 15 minutes
2 cups chopped apples
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (or walnuts)
2 tsp. honey
2 tsp. cinnamon
4 tbsp. grape juice
Grated rind of half to a whole lemon

Chop pecans in a food processor.

Peel apples and run through food processor for quickest chopping.

Combine apples and pecans with honey, cinnamon, grape juice and grated lemon rind. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Enjoy - we sure do!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caneel,

    I just wanted to see if you'd like a Babble badge for Readers' Choice award to put on your blog as people have nominated it for Babble's  best food mom blogs of 2011. If you're interested in the badge, please email me at: hannah at babble dot com.



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