Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Leftovers ...

I hope you, your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday and were able to find many things to be thankful for. I love counting my blessings this time of year, and no matter how hard things get it does seem to help - just like Bing Crosby sang about in White Christmas. (Do you love that movie? I do! I love pretty much all the old Christmas movies!)

Now I hope you're enjoying plenty of leftovers with the abundance of food yesterday. While you enjoy all that great food, please remember those who don't have much and didn't get a delicious meal yesterday. Please remember them in your prayers and thoughts, and give to that bell ringer at the store and other reputable organizations that help so many in poverty this season.

Speaking of leftovers, I think that leftover turkey sandwiches are one of the best inventions of all time. I love them. But I like to use up my leftover turkey in other ways, as well. I thought today would be a good time to remind you of a couple of delicious recipes I have here that use this turkey. Happy eating!

Turkey casserole with brown rice and broccoli:

Turkey and buffalo andouille gumbo:

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