Monday, January 23, 2012

Morning Green Juice & Using Your MIXER As a Juicer

This. Is. Good. Stuff.

I've been drinking a lot of this green goodness lately. And can I let you in on a little secret? I'm using my KitchenAid mixer and attachments for juicing. 

Yes, I've turned my mixer into a masticating juicer. I have NO more room in my kitchen for another countertop appliance, so I figured out a way to successfully use a current counter-top appliance in place of an additional juicer. I may at some point pull out my mother's gigantic Champion juicer or even invest in a more compact quality juicer, but for now I'm happy with this setup. I'll tell you how to make it below.

I actually took a hiatus from juicing last week because I had surgical biopsy to rule out some things. I'm so THANKFUL to report that the biopsies were benign and the health issues I've been experiencing have nothing to do with a very scary diagnosis. (Thank you to those of you who were praying for me and keeping me in your thoughts.) It was a little stressful for a while, thinking it could be. I'm getting back to drinking this green juice this week now that I'm recovering, if moving a little slower.

If you read this blog with regularity, you've noticed that I've been missing for a few weeks. You've also noticed that things slowed down the last few months, and that I've mentioned health issues in a post or two. What I'm experiencing could still be attributed to the recurring and chronic active Epstein Barr virus (mono) I've been diagnosed with - the dreaded illness of my late teens coming back to bite me from getting too run down and stressed. It could also have been triggered by something we haven't figured out yet, but regardless, I'm greening it up these days.

I'm NOT giving up my beloved sweets, eggs and other acidic foods at this point but I AM making greens first and everything else step in line behind them, thank you very much. I already, like many of you, eat better than the average American. Probably even better than the above-average American. BUT I've been reading a lot lately about alkaline and acidic foods and realized that while I was eating well, I wasn't eating more alkaline than acidic on most days.

On a friend's recommendation, I picked up a copy of Crazy Sexy Diet. While I don't enjoy the profanity liberally lacing the pages of this book (I read a plethora of crime and legal thrillers that might contain such words, but my kids know adult books on my nightstand are off-limits - I like, however, to be able to keep a reference and cookbook out and not have to keep it out of my reading children's reach), I have learned quite a bit on the alkaline diet. I've also been enjoying the Alkaline Sisters blog.

I've been reading how disease has a harder time living in an alkaline body, and started thinking that making my diet more alkaline combined with more rest and new ways to refocus my stress might be key to getting over all of this and back to normal. It might be a slow process, but at least it will be a process in the right direction.

So, in the mornings I'm trying to drink fresh-squeezed lemon in warm water first thing. Then, trying to drink only juice until lunch. For lunch, I'm eating a huge amazing salad. Then I'll eat anything I want for supper as long as I include some greens. I'm also sprouting my own sprouts and adding them to everything. The family is loving it, and I'm not being sarcastic. It's wonderful! (I'll tackle sprouts in another post.) If I get hungry between meals, I let myself snack on some raw almonds or other alkaline snack, and perhaps a bite or two of very dark chocolate. 

If I "cheat," I don't sweat it because I don't consider it cheating, and I don't consider this a diet. I'm just making sure I get more than enough of my greens in most of my days - and it's really easy to do if you juice them or make a smoothie in the morning and have a huge salad at lunch. Even if you only did this once a week, which would be beyond easy, you'd be better off than not doing it all!

My morning green juice recipe is inspired by a couple of juice recipes that Kris Carr gives in Crazy Sexy Diet, but I've done my own thing with this to create a juice that is delightfully refreshing to my taste. Before this, my idea of "green" juice was juiced fruit with a bit of spinach and/or kale. Other than some lemon, there's no fruit in this juice and it's delicious! I've found that for me, lemon is key in making a true "green" juice delicious to me. It gives a great tang that I love.

Projected prep time: 5-10 minutes; Projected juicing time: 10-15 minutes, depending on your juicer (some are faster)
This recipe will give you about 9 ounces of juice using the mixer juicing method.
1 organic cucumber (organic so you can keep the peel on - peel it if it's not)
2 handfuls fresh spinach
2 stalks kale
1 small carrot (scrubbed & peeled if necessary)
Half of a whole lemon - peel, seeds and all

Cut cucumber, carrot and lemon into smaller pieces. It's not necessary to chop the spinach or kale.

Place pieces into feeding tube a few at a time and continue feeding until everything is turned into pulp or juice. If necessary, feed the pulp back through a few times to extract even more juice. 

Pour and/or strain juice into glass and enjoy!

If you are using the KitchenAid mixer method, you'll need the food grinder attachment and the fruit & vegetable strainer attachment. I already had the food grinder so only needed to buy the fruit & vegetable strainer. I noticed that they are sold together, but I priced them and it's cheaper to buy them separately. I had been eyeing this setup and wondering about juicing with it for a while. I noticed that some people wrote that they were using it to juice in reviews - even for juicing grasses - so I figured I'd give it a try. It works!

Again, like I said above, at some point I may pull out the Champion juicer I'm currently storing for my mom or invest in a smaller quality juicer but for now this works for me. It may take a little longer this way, but it's worth it for me to not have another counter-top appliance taking up space I don't have to spare.

Position a bowl to collect juice beneath the spout of the fruit & vegetable strainer attachment piece and another bowl to catch the pulp.

You'll be pushing the vegetables or fruit into this tube at the top:

The pulp first dropping into the bowl will be large and there is plenty of juice left in it.

Run it through again.

Run it once or twice more, and you'll hardly have any left:

Now, you'll see a finer pulp coming out of the sleeve at the top, where the auger is pushing it through:

A little of this will probably fall into the juice bowl, but you can easily strain it out with something like this strainer as you pour it into your glass. If you see a large amount falling into the bowl, grab it and put it on the tray to feed through the tube. When you are finished juicing the larger pulp, scrape this finer pulp off and place it in the tube to juice it. You'll get A LOT of juice out of this.

One more tip: I'm not sure how clearly I can explain this without you trying it yourself, but you'll notice that the auger doesn't reach all the way to the back of the tube until vegetable pieces are pushing the spring back. If you start out making sure that the pieces fall directly on the auger and give it a chance to push the spring all the way back behind the tube, then start to put more pieces in (don't jam the tube, though) then the pieces will be pushed forward and won't get stuck behind. Even if they do get stuck behind, it's not a huge deal and they'll find their way out. Just a little something I learned.

Now you're finished! For cleaning, I find that a metal cake tester or kabob stick is useful to push into the tip of the auger, which will have a little veggie pulp stuck in there. I also love the Avent bottle brush to clean out every nook and cranny and scrub the little holes. I have an older model of this brush, but I'm assuming this newer one is just as good.

Drink up that goodness!

Do you juice? What are your favorite vegetables to juice? I'm just getting started - I've been experimenting with several flavor combinations and plan to share more juice recipes from time to time. What juicer do you use? I'm curious to see if any of you with other juicers will get a different volume from this same recipe. Please let me know!


  1. I would love to see a video of this! I too am not interested in another kitchen appliance to take up valuable real estate on my countertop, but would love to dabble in juicing! I wish KitchenAid would come up with a specific juicing attachment for us!

    1. I couldn't agree more! This does the job, but it takes longer than I'd like. A specific juicing attachment would be perfect!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your experience of using these attachments for juicing. I can't seem to find a lot reviews of folks using their kitchenaid mixer as a true juicer...

    Have you had any luck juicing hard(ish) vegetables? (Cucumber, carrots, ginger root, etc?)


    1. I juice cucumber and carrot above. I cut them up first. I don't think it would work with whole ones.

  3. Any issues with hard veggies like beets or carrots? I read that in the manual it states only softer foods should go through the unit.

    1. I chop them into small pieces. I think if they were larger pieces it would be difficult for them to go through and there might be an issue with something getting damaged but with the smaller pieces I haven't had problems. Hope that helps!

  4. Replies
    1. I don't use wheatgrass because of possible cross contamination with gluten. I used a wheatgrass product for a while that was supposed to be tested for gluten and got very sick. When I did my own at-home gluten test on it, the gluten was there. Not worth it to me. However, I read where someone was juicing wheatgrass with this attachment.

  5. Thanks so much for this. I have been trying for a week to do this with my KitchenAid and it kept taking over an hour. I want to use it as a masticating juicer for my leafy greens, but they would not move very fast and kept seeming to get stuck. After reading your blog post, I shoved a small carrot down the tube first, making sure it hit the auger. With the spring all the way pushed back from the carrot, the greens went right through. I didn't know the auger/spring trick before, but now I know how to make it work great.

    The carrot put out some juice, but I will certainly stay with the centripetal juicer for everything but the leafy greens, which it struggles with (Jack lalaine power juicer).

    Thanks again.

    1. You are welcome, and thank you so much for the feedback! You provided great information. :)

  6. Thank you so much. Was considering a juicer, but I have the Kitchenaid, and the attachments, and the last thing I need is one more gizmo in my life.

    So thanks and thanks again.

    1. You are very welcome! I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Have you tried the recipe from the book/video fat, sick & nearly dead? I always double it, but its simple: 1 cucumber, 1/2 lemon (with peel), 4 celery stalks, 5 kale leaves, 3 green apples, and a thumb size piece of ginger. I drink this daily for energy & nutrition!

    1. I haven't, but it sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing - I'll have to try it!

  8. I read this four times and have no idea where it's explained what you do with the food grinder versus the strainer. No clue.

    1. The food grinder doesn't have a strainer on it - it just grinds the food and pushes it out of plates that are various sizes. When you combine the food grinder with the strainer, it's the strainer attachment that the juice is pushed through. The spout is also what comes with the strainer attachment, and makes it easy to catch the juice. I hope that was a little bit clearer?

    2. Sorry, I'm lost too. So you actually don't need the food grinder at all when juicing?

    3. I'm sorry it's confusing! I guess it's hard to explain. Yes, you need the food grinder combined with the strainer attachment. The food grinder contains the auger that actually pushes the food, and the strainer is what presses the juice. I hope that is a little more clear?

  9. It would be AWESOME if you could post a video of this! I can't wait to try but am also confused...

    1. Okay, I found one! :) This uses wheat grass, which I don't use, but the process looks pretty much the same as what I do. I run the pulp back through as described above. Also, as I say above, I pour the juice through a strainer sitting on top of the glass before drinking, to catch any stray pulp.

      Here's the video:

      I hope that helps!

  10. I love juicing, and have a champion at home. Visiting the parents for a few weeks though, they only had a crappy centrifugal one, until I realized the kitchen aid had a grinder attachment, then when everything was nice and pulpy, I squeezed the pulp through some cheesecloth- I'll have to get the strainer attatchment too.

    Best of luck with your health.

    My good friend has been going through hodgkin's lymphoma, of which the epstein barr virus can be a precurser, so please, take very good care of yourself. juicing and much natural support has gotten her through this time.

    Here's a few things I hope are helpful:

    Remember to only juice organic.

    Cucumber and Celery are two of the best lymphatic support.

    Simpler is easier on your body, always.

    Lemon and citrus are extremely powerful detoxers, and can be too hard on the body when struggling with health issues.

    Probiotiics- so you can get the full benefit of your juice (other than just the lacto and acidophilous strains which are very acidic)

    2 primary supplements every juicer should take:
    Milk Thistle- the liver has regenerative powers so the more toxins you move from it the better. and
    Cascara Sagrada: a natural, non habit forming laxative for moving out all those toxins!

    Be kind to yourself, and find some quiet time to just focus on your breath and feelings of love for yourself, and gratitude for your life everyday.

    Blessings to you and best of luck on your journey.

    1. Thank you, so very much, for taking the time to share your experiences with juicing and the recommendations you have! I'm sorry about your friend. I hope she is back to full health soon!

  11. The information in this blog is extremely useful for the people. Thank's for sharing.

  12. A good machine to have in the kitchen, makes your morning healthy. :)


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