Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sunsets ...

My daughter's sunset photo from her birthday weekend
I have to brag today in the beauty I found on my 9-year-old daughter's camera. We felt she was old enough to graduation from her kid-safe digital camera and, given the fact that she was constantly borrowing one of mine without asking, she was ready for her own good quality point-and-shoot for her 9th birthday last month.

She has always been artistic - painting and drawing anything and everything - and she's been inspired by my photography in trying to find beauty in every day, and has joined me in this venture. Last night when we got home, she ran inside to grab her camera, yelling that I needed to see the sunset. "It's pure gold!" she exclaimed.

And it was ...

I took the above photo (and I really need to clean my lenses!), but as you can see, she took photos of pure gold, as well ...

My daughter's "pure gold photo"

Another of her photos

Later, I looked out and the pure gold had faded to a lovely graying purple. She was already getting ready for bed so couldn't take her own photos, but I had to sneak out and grab a shot to share ...

But the real beauty that took my breath away in the sky was today. As I looked through her multitude of photos to, for the first time since she got the camera, download them. She noticed the sunset the evening after her birthday party. I was too exhausted to join them on their walk, but she got these amazing sunset photos with her brand-new camera. I haven't enhanced them - she captured those colors ...

My daughter's photos of the sunset on her birthday weekend ...

I hope these have given you a glimpse of the beauty found around us today - and I hope you find beauty in your own world today.

Why I'm sharing this: http://mamameglutenfree.blogspot.com/2012/02/beauty-in-eye-of-beholder.html


  1. Caneel, the sunset photos are breathtaking! Hugs to your daughter :)

    1. Thank you, Laureen! I'll pass that along! We had another beauty in the sky last night that I have to share today. :)


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