Thursday, March 1, 2012

365 Project - February!

I did it! I have successfully found beauty in each day so far since I began this trek to try and help my health with finding beauty and something to be thankful for each day.

Above is a screen shot of my 365 Project for February. You can view it larger here:

I realize that some of the photos I shared each day were taken the night before, or maybe even a day or two before in a few cases. But even in those instances, I found beauty all over again in that photo that day. And I have been faithfully searching for beauty and something to be thankful for each day, no matter how nasty the weather. Sometimes it's just a little something around the house or a look on a daughter's face. I may not have captured it that moment in a photo to share, but I captured it in my heart.

So today's photo of beauty is a compilation of many of the photos I've taken of the beauty I've found recently. As I've stated before, the 365 Project only shows one photo each day and some days I've shared more than one on the blog. While I didn't index them on the recipe/subject index, they have been archived under the monthly posts on the sidebar. If you wish to see all of them, you can find them through those archives.

I hope you're finding beauty in your days.

Why I'm sharing this:

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