Monday, March 5, 2012

Butterfly and Blossoms

We had a glorious morning with little to no wind today. I know that won't last long around here this time of year, so I took advantage of it and spent some time walking around the neighborhood, deliberately finding beauty in my surroundings.

I took enough photos to last a while for the bad, windy days if I need them. Do you seen signs of spring where you live yet? They've just started popping up here and there where we live. The other day I noticed that all these beautiful blossoms were coming up on certain trees around the neighborhood. I captured some today, with bees buzzing around and just a couple of butterflies. I guess this means we'll have more butterflies soon - yay!

Our elm trees were beginning to sport little green dots the other day and they are suddenly much larger. All around me, life is starting push through again. So many springs in the past, I've just noticed bare trees and then suddenly there are leaves and green is all around us in the air. I missed all the tiny buds. Not this year. I'm noticing the little shoots and buds so I can be in awe at their full glory later.

I liked the contrast of these bare limbs next to a tree beginning to bud - interesting that the upper part of the tree has larger green spots than the lower branches. This is what many of the trees look like right now but it will soon change. I'm looking forward to capturing these changes this year.

Find beauty in your day before it ends!

Why I'm sharing this:


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