Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eagle Mama

Are you all having a good week? It's been a better week for me than last, most definitely. I'm still a little sluggish after it all, but I've been trying to take those photos all along. I hope to place several in one post later to play catch-up. (I also made an incredibly easy and quick eggplant dish last night that I look forward to sharing with you soon.)

Are you in need of some soothing entertainment from time to time in your day? I've been watching this beautiful mama eagle and her eggs the last few days with my family. My daughter's teacher shared the link with me and I must share it with you if you haven't discovered the Decorah eagles yet. The first baby broke through its egg yesterday after many hours of hard hatching work. The other two baby eagles will hopefully follow soon.

(The photo above is a screen shot I captured earlier today.) I hope you find beauty in your day today, and if you're in need of some inspiration, click on this link to watch beauty in nature in one of its finest moments:

Why I'm sharing this:


  1. There is a nest with a cam in Richmond that has two eaglets hatched. Google Richmond eagle cam and you should be able to find the link. These little ones are more visible at this point which might appeal to your daughter.


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