Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bread for the Gluten-Free Ratio Rally

Logo designed by Anile Prakash

Goodness! Has it really been so long since I've written here?? Yes, I'm afraid it has ... I've had to take a little hiatus from this site and I'm afraid this is only a short little "hello" before I'm off again for a few weeks. Since I last posted, we've had end of school activities, the flu, summer break beginning, dance recital, travel, seeing a specialist doctor halfway across the state for my health issues, travel again, braces for the oldest (an ongoing process that isn't finished with one visit!), launched a new business (yay for continuing to work doing something you love!), sorted out permits for new business etc. ... and we are traveling (for fun!) again. I'm taking a little break from packing to touch base with you real quick ...

On a food note, I took photos of a fabulous dessert made last night that I will edit and type the recipe up for you after the majority of my travels have come to an end. It was the first time I'd taken time to actually photograph food in a few weeks and it felt great.

On a new note, very good news in my health situation. The specialist I saw said that I don't have the rare, scary "chronic active" Epstein Barr that was feared. My EBV numbers remain off the charts high, but it doesn't indicate this active state of EBV. Thank God! Some other scary illnesses were ruled out with further testing and since we had already ruled out the very scary lymphoma with my surgery earlier in the year, the scary stuff seems to be (SO THANKFUL!!) not an issue for me. The bad news is he believes I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and it could be a few years before I see remission and even then it can come back.

The way I see it, though, is that CFS isn't a fatal disease and it doesn't cause organ failure like some of the other things we were concerned about. I have had to alter my very active lifestyle since all this hit in the fall, and I still get the swollen glands, sore throat, achy body and extreme fatigue (all of which can be caused by CFS) if I overdo it, but I'm learning how to manage it and the specialist felt like I already was doing many of the things I need to do in order to live with this the best I can.

So, after that little update on me, I am finally giving you links to the Gluten-Free Ratio Rally bread challenge which was hosted by Karen of Cooking Gluten-Free earlier this month (thank you, Karen!). I hated to miss out on this challenge - it was only the second one for me to miss - but once I caught the flu, there was no chance of experimenting with a ratio bread recipe with everything else going on. I'm afraid it looks like I'll be missing the July challenge as well, but I'll post the links for you when I'm able and hopefully will be back in the game for the next one.

(To see all the other previous rally challenges and what the rally is all about, check out my rally page here: http://mamameglutenfree.blogspot.com/p/gluten-free-ratio-rally.html)

In addition to Karen's amazing bread, check out the other delicious recipes the rally participants baked up for you!

Adina | Gluten Free Travelette  Seedy Sandwich Bread
Angela | Angela’s Kitchen  Our Family’s Basic Gluten Free Dairy Free Bread
~Aunt Mae (aka ~Mrs. R) | Honey From Flinty Rocks  Chia Millet BreadBrooke | B & the boy!  Buckwheat-Oat Bread
Charissa | Zest Bakery  Cherry Pecan Pot Bread, Gluten Free  
Claire | This Gluten-Free Life  German Vollkornbrot (Seeded Bread)
Erin | The Sensitive Epicure English Sandwich Bread (gluten-free & egg-free)   
Jenn | Jenn Cuisine  Gluten Free BouleJonathan | The Canary Files Gluten-Free, Vegan Mediterranean Soda BreadKaren | Cooking Gluten Free!  Gluten Free Sandwich Bread/Gluten Free Naan
Meaghan | The Wicked Good Vegan  Vegan Gluten-Free Bread
Meg | Gluten-Free Boulangerie  Ciabatta (gluten-free, egg-free/vegan)Monika | Chew on This!  amaranth skillet flatbreads, amaranth mini pita roundsMorri | Meals with Morri No Knead Sun-dried Tomato & Basil Flatbread (yeast free/grain free)Pete & Kelli | No Gluten, No Problem  Gluten-Free Challah
Rachel / The Crispy Cook  Gluten Free Chickpea Sandwich Bread
TR | No One Likes Crumbley Cookies  Gluten Free White Bread
Tara | A Baking Life  Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread & Boule

I hope you are all having a fabulous summer - see you back here soon!

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