Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helping Others in Times of Need

I was nearly finished writing this post Monday evening, with a coffee cake post planned for Tuesday, when life threw a curveball - as happens often with children - and the drama in our house escalated to a frenzy. All is well today (just tired!), and no one was ever in harm's way or anything severe like that ... and my curveball seems so insignificant compared to real tragedy that has affected so many, and still is. So, here's the post as written Monday:

There are many, many in this country and in this world who are suffering right now, as always. Times are hard. And times like these allow us to see the goodness in so many others.

We've had natural disasters take lives and homes several times over in the United States and worldwide in the very recent past. Drought and famine are making things hard. Members of the military are being killed or dismembered, and their families are struggling not only with emotional upheaval but wondering what step to take next in providing for themselves. And we learn of tragedy striking a familiar face or name - someone we've never met by name but they run in the same circles as mutual friends, or they are in our social media world.

And we hurt for them. And we reach out to them, as we should. People we've never met. We want to help them, comfort them, pray for them. We give to organizations coordinating relief efforts. We give to funds and bank accounts set up for children and families. We give to our churches to coordinate and pass the money on to where it's needed in our communities and elsewhere.

I'm not one of those people who believe everyone should be forced to give to and help others. I'm one of those people who believe that most individuals have feelings, and are moved to compassion and a desire to help when they can with what they can and are glad they are free to do so. And that many times, this brings them to voluntarily give much more, and more often, than if it was forced out of their pockets. And if they aren't able to give monetarily, or even donate clothes or household goods, they willingly give what they can through prayer.

This is why I have written similar posts regarding help or prayer for those in need a few times in the past. I've felt the need tugging on my heart and felt compelled to share. This is one of those times. A non-profit organization called Bloggers Without Borders has recently launched in an official capacity to help others in need, and I feel like there couldn't be a more perfect time than now to let everyone know about this blogger-based charity.

Most of you by now have heard the story of food blogger Jennifer Perillo and how she lost her husband to a heart attack recently. She and her two young daughters are starting down a new road in life, and need our prayers. The food community showed their support for her over the last two weeks as thousands of peanut butter cream pies were made around the world.

Several bloggers were working together to start a fund for Jennifer and her family, and announced the details today (Monday). If you would like to donate even a very small amount to this fund, you can read the details in this post, or you can click on the button below. (They say that unless you specify in the transaction, all funds collected will go to the #afundforjennie campaign.) If you want to know more about Bloggers Without Borders, you can visit their site. And if you aren't able to donate, please keep Jennifer and her family in your thoughts and prayers, along with the others who have lost loved ones.

Donate to Bloggers Without Borders

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